It is with great satisfaction that we have the pleasure of presenting La Tabaccheria Deluxe.
Its philosophy is based on two essential assumptions:
– A maniacal search for raw materials;
– A combined application of our different extraction techniques, some of which are new, acquired through years of research and development, which makes the extraction process longer and more laborious.

The first line we present, belonging to the La Tabaccheria Deluxe brand, is I Sigari della Toscana, popular among cigar lovers from the Italian tradition. The choice of a visual communication akin to tradition, combined with modern and innovative aesthetic traits, represents the care towards references to the culture of ‘slow smoking’.
We carried out a long search for tobacco leaves in the most typical areas for the production of these cigars, such as the Val di Chiana, Val Tiberina and Beneventano.
The element that closed the circle was the collaboration with the Compagnia Toscana Sigari (Tuscanian Cigars Company), producer of the Tornabuoni cigar brand, which guided us in the selection of tobaccos. In order to enhance this selection, we had no choice but to combine our many years of experience in extraction processes by mixing different techniques in an unprecedented way. The Tabaccheria in its interpretation has proposed a line of cigars ranging from Classico to Antico, Liquorice and Dark Chocolate. We remind that these products are suitable for use by any vaper on any vaping system.

Our extracts cannot be used in their pure form; they must be used to flavour e-liquids (neutral bases) for e-cig.

Watch the presentation video below:
