La Tabaccheria Tobacco Extracts – Guidelines and tips2024-06-18T21:37:48+02:00


DILUTION SHOT 60 SIZE2025-02-27T14:47:50+01:00

SHOT 60 SIZE – 20ml

Product description: 

20ml concentrate, in the new SHOT60 size. These products consist of 20ml of concentrate with the ideal concentration to aromatize a total of 60ml of e-Liquid. To dilute this product, we suggest to add, to the 20ml of concentrate, 4 flacons (10ml each) of 60VG:40PG neutral base. Hereafter, you can find a few dilution examples to obtain the desired nicotine concentration:

  1. Zero Nicotine (i.e., without nicotine): 4x Zero Nicotine flacons (10ml each)
  2. 3 mg/ml Nicotine: 1x 18 mg/ml Nicotine flacon (10ml) + 3x Zero Nicotine flacons (10ml each)
  3. 6 mg/ml Nicotine: 2x 18 mg/ml Nicotine flacons (10ml each) + 2x Zero Nicotine flacons (10ml each)
  4. 9 mg/ml Nicotine: 3x 18 mg/ml Nicotine flacons (10ml each) + 1x Zero Nicotine flacon (10ml)
  5. 12 mg/ml Nicotine: 4x 18 mg/ml Nicotine flacons (10ml each)

It is also possible to use 70VG:30PG neutral bases, but still keeping in mind that this product was devised to be vaped in MTL (mouth-to-lung) style.

Our concentrated flavours cannot be used in their pure form; they must be used to flavour e-liquids (neutral bases) for e-cig.


DILUTION MINISHOT 10+10 SIZE2025-02-27T14:49:02+01:00

MINISHOT 10+10 SIZE – 10ml

Product description: 

These concentrated flavours consist of 10ml of concentrate with the ideal concentration to aromatize a total of 20ml of e-Liquid. To dilute this product, we suggest to add, to the 10ml of concentrated flavour, a total of 10ml of full VG neutral base.
Hereafter, you can find a few dilution examples to obtain the desired nicotine concentration:

  1. Zero Nicotine (i.e., without nicotine): 1 full-VG 10ml base Zero Nicotine
  2. 3 mg/ml Nicotine: 3.34ml full-VG base 18mg/ml Nicotine + 6.66ml full-VG base Zero Nicotine
  3. 6 mg/ml Nicotine: 6.66ml full-VG base 18mg/ml Nicotine + 3.34ml full-VG base Zero Nicotine
  4. 9 mg/ml Nicotine: 1 full-VG 10ml base 18mg/ml Nicotine

Our concentrated flavours cannot be used in their pure form; they must be used to flavour e-liquids (neutral bases) for e-cig.



Our cold extraction technique yields a very high product concentration, higher than the industry average.

The aromatic bouquet of an e-liquid prepared with our tobacco extracts is immediately well defined, as well as ensuring the best fidelity to the authentic taste of that specific tobacco.   

In fact, we invested on research activities as well as on innovative machines with a clear goal: the production of a tobacco extract that was meant to be: 

1) Revolutionary, allowing for the creation of ready-to-use final products without long delays (maturation).

2) Robust, in terms of concentration.

3) 100% fidelity to the real flavour of that tobacco.

MATURATION (no thanks)2022-04-13T11:03:24+02:00


The maturation process and its final result strongly depend on the production technique; Often “macerated” and “extracted” products are mixed up, whereas some very important differences set them apart.

Macerated tobacco is less processed in terms of production, resulting in a sweeter aroma, less concentrated, which requires a very long maturation to be best appreciated.

Our extract, conversely, is more processed in terms of production phases, leading to a drier aroma, more faithful to the extracted matrix, more concentrated, and it does not need any maturation to be enjoyed to the fullest.

UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO2021-05-19T17:21:25+02:00

Unmanufactured tobacco is raw tobacco which has not been processed by the manufacturing companies. The latter, in fact, tend to add various additives and flavourings to tobacco and subject it to some processes, such as cutting.

Anyway, unmanufactured tobacco undergoes a “CURING” process, which determines its aromatic properties and class (air-cured Burley, flue-cured Bright Virginia, sun-cured Oriental tobacco and fire-cured Kentucky and Latakia.)

Unmanufactured tobacco has the same characteristics of the manufactured one, however, the latter is often subjected to special manufacturing techniques together with the addition of additives and flavourings, something that we wanted to avoid.

Therefore, manufacturing and cure are two very different processes.

According to the european and italian legislation, unmanufactured or raw tobacco is meant to be sold in leaves or strips (destalked leaves cut into pieces of few centimeters), it is not cut and / or ready to be smoked, therefore it is not subjected to any excise duties due to the monopoly.

ORGANIC TOBACCO2018-05-28T15:32:34+02:00

With reference to our “organic” extracts, it should be pointed out that we are referring to products resulting from the extraction of plant matrices (umanufactured tobacco), without any additional artificial flavour.

This does not mean that we use “organic tobacco” (which is actually cultivated without any fertilizers), since this approach is not feasible for tobacco.


There are many suggestions and types of tobacco to be discovered within the world of cigars; in fact, just like pipe blends, each variety features specific aromas and scents.

In line with our company’s mission, we want to raise our customers’ awareness of the cultivation and cure of tobacco, as well as of the creation of the blends resulting from a mix of the various types.

It is important to be familiar with the main characteristics of a cigar, as well as with the various types of tobacco it is composed of, in order to correctly recreate its blend, although the blends of tobacco extracts do not faithfully follow the composition of the blends intended for traditional smoking. Therefore, if not aiming at recreating a specific blend, once you have become familiar with the characteristics of each tobacco extract, you will be able to create your own mix based on your tastes.

Those cigars whose components all come from the same cultivation area are called “Puros.” Cigars consist of 3 main components: filler, binder, wrapper.

  • Filler or tripa: the filling of a cigar made of a single, folded leaf (in the best cigars) or fine-cut tobacco.
  • Binder or capote: it is the sub-layer of the cigar, i.e. the leaf that contains the filler and shapes the cigar.
  • Wrapper or capa: it is the outermost leaf of the cigar and the most expensive component, since it must be free from any imperfections like holes or cracks, which would prevent the cigar from being used.

Cigar tobaccos generally belong to the dark air-cured class, which means that they are cured with air and fermented. This cure technique enhances the aromatic qualities of the tobacco and helps obtain dark-coloured leaves, typical of cigar tobaccos.

These tobaccos are divided into sun-grown or shade-grown, where the former are grown in the sun and the latter in the shade, as happens with Connecticut Shade; the main difference is that the sun-grown ones feature stronger flavours, while the shade-grown ones are softer and more neutral.

Based on the leaf section, 3 further distinctions can be made to better define the taste of the tobacco:

  • Ligero: the highest leaves of the plant, with greater nicotine content, which give a stronger character to the mixture.
  • Seco: the intermediate leaves of the plant, with greater aromatic qualities.
  • Volado: the lower leaves of the plant, with feebler flavours but extremely important for the creation of the mixture, thanks to their good combustibility properties.

This is very important information to better understand the tobacco names and types with the purpose of creating one’s own blends as happens with one’s preferred cigar blends; however, it is also fundamental to consider that, when vaping, results may be quite different and, to a certain extent, “everything is possible” within one’s tastes.